Maintaining apartment gymnasiums and club house becomes an aspect of utmost importance.
Since the gym area comprises of various sophisticated equipment and machines, it is essential to keep a close watchful eye on regular maintenance schedule to allow smooth functioning. Intrinsic fallout of having a common amenity is the lack of personalized attention when it comes to maintenance and upkeep. The role of the gym management team, property manager or the RWA hence becomes essential to embed a community culture allowing everyone to play as much role in cleanliness and maintenance as they have in using the gym and clubhouse area.
Basic things for maintaining apartment clubhouse and gym
Keep a Maintenance Record: Maintenance record is the log book containing all gymnasium equipment and their details along with all maintenance records. Keeping a record in black in white is the best way to fix a dedicated time for the next maintenance schedule. The maintenance record is also a useful tool in keeping all gym equipment in top shape. Along with the workout machines and dedicated gym equipment like weights and furniture, gymnasium maintenance record must have a log for electrical and electronic alliances within the gym including air conditioning, shower areas, aerobic workout floors and other associated areas.
Focus on Cleaning and Oiling: Having good machinery and state of the art gym ambiance is one thing, but maintaining them effectively is quite another. Even the best of gym areas with top notch sophisticated machinery can soon end up as an old hog if not maintained properly. All gym users must be instructed to clean the equipment of any sweat after their use. Cleanliness and maintenance needs to be embed to the bottom and if each user does his or her bit, managing cleanliness and overall gym maintenance would be a swift breeze. Apart from regular cleaning, oiling of all machines must be carried out as per the maintenance record or the machinery manual.
Have a Monthly Maintenance Workshop: The gym management committee is recommended to conduct a monthly maintenance workshop inviting volunteers who use the gym to come forward and undertake the cleaning and maintenance process every month. Special rewards and schemes can be introduced for the team members involved in the maintenance workshops. Such community maintenance workshops not only help keep the gym machines and other equipment clear of any technical glitches but also helps gym members bond as a social community.
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