Living alone is a great fun for of use and these days women are no exception in enjoying their life alone. However, society is never crime-free and if you are a single woman and have planned staying alone, you may get a bit more vulnerable if some basic precautions are not followed. 10 safety tips are discussed here which can ensure better scale of social safety for you as single woman.
Use safety lock always
It is recommended to use best quality safety locks at the entrance points of the apartment where you live. At least at night it is wise to lock the doors. While one set of keys should be always with you, the next set will be kept safe and secured in home. If there is any reliable neighbour in your close distance you may keep the second set of key with them also.
Put curtains on windows and doors
Living as you like is the best advantage of living alone; however, you should not allow outsiders peeping inside your rooms. It is better to add curtains with non-transparent fabrics on windows and doors so that you remain absolutely invisible from outside.
Install motion sensitive light outside
Installation of a motion sensitive light will help you in detecting unwarranted movement outside. This is the easiest way to keep yourself alert about the intruder of your premise. However, you must take double care so that your neighbors should not get disturbed because of your motion sensitive light.
Keep your mobile charged
At night when you are alone inside your home, your mobile is the fastest way you can get yourself connected with outside world at one go. If possible you can maintain two phone numbers so that if network for one connection seems disturbing, the other connection works fine.
Keep all emergency numbers handy
You must keep all your emergency numbers handy apart from keeping them into your mobile phone. This back up system of numbers will help you to find the numbers at ease and with best turnaround time. You must save ICE [in case of emergency] number in your mobile.
Maintain a first aid box
Medical emergency may occur any-time even for the healthiest person of the world. If you are staying alone, you should be aware of medical emergency. You must maintain a first aid box and keep some SOS type medicine in the box.
Remaining alert
Be alert from suspicious activities outside. In case you find something suspicious outside, make other people around alert, and keep yourself out of danger being inside of your room’s safety.
Install a home security system
You are staying alone and nobody will look for the security of your place other than you. In your absence, or while you are sleeping an advanced home security system can help you in keeping your instrumental eyes always open and it will keep you safe.
Do tight screening for outsiders
Never allow new people to enter your premise regardless where from they are coming. Ask for identity cards for the outsiders if any of your service associates are coming for checking and regular maintenance works.
Use common-sense
There is no better safety device than your guts and intuitions. Use your common sense whenever you will be feeling anything out of the way.
Enjoy living alone and stay safe!!!!!
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