Your house is one of the most important investments you make in a life time. By keeping your home properly maintained, you can lessen the risk of loss and also safeguard the well being of your family. However, summer is upon us. Rising temperature and sunny days are features of the season. This is the apt season for getting work done around your house. Well, you can take some time off your busy schedule and do some routine home maintenance this summer.
1) Energy efficiency is the top priority this season. Dust your ceiling fans if needed and balance any wobbly blades by tightening loose screws.
2) Service your air conditioner by a repairman. Dirty coils and wrong charge will have an impact on performance and efficiency.
3) Check windows and doors for air leaks and cover with weather stripping or seal as needed.
4) Make sure all window and door locks are working properly and function as required.
5) Check your roof for leaks every 2-3 years and more as it ages.
6) Inspect your home for water leaks – replace any decayed wood on your furniture, siding, doors, or windows.
7) Inspect electrical channels for possible fire hazards such as frayed wires or loose-fitting plugs. Be sure not to overwork electrical outlets, fuse boxes, extension cords or other power devices.
8) Inspect your toilet. Check all pipe connections and look for plastic floater valves, if any are wearied away.
9) Check your furnace filter. Clean or replace if required. If your furnace filter is dirty, it slows down the airflow through the system and thereby creating performance issues.
10) Check duct system for problems. If there are any leaks in ducts, it reduces performance drastically.
11) Use the fan only when you are inside the room. Fan doesn't really change the temperature of the room, it just gives you a cool feeling. If you simply run a fan in a room you don’t occupy, it only adds the heat from the motor to the room.
12) Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescents. They burn cooler and hence add less heat to the room in summers.
13) Remove all lint, dust and pieces of material by cleaning the clothes dryer exhaust duct and space under the dryer.
14) Check your washing machine. Inspect the hoses. If you find leakage or wearied hose, replace it.
15) Inspect the deck or patio for potential corrosion and safety hazards such as loose boards and protruding nails. Stain or seal your deck. Tighten any loose deck planks. Fill in any cracked concrete or asphalt.
16) If you want to keep your house cool without spending a lot, use evaporative coolers. If maintained properly they are a great choice.
17) Inspect the pool pumps. Check for any leaks and also ensure that all electrical wires are in proper shape.
18) Check the water hoses of refrigerator and dish washer also. Check for any leaks, cracks or bubbles.
19) Clean out the gutters and en sure that water freely moves out your down spouts.
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